Account details

Digital Business package

To open a business account online, you must:

  • Be a Canadian resident

  • Be 18 years or older

  • Be the proprietor of the business

About your business


The registration number corresponds to the ten-digit NEQ identifier that was assigned to you when you registered your business.

Other provinces

The registration number is the business number assigned to you by either the provincial or federal government.

Business address

About you

Personal information

Personal address

${organizationStreetName}, , ${organizationCityName}, ${organizationProvinceCode}, ${organizationPostalCode}

About you

Contact information


Verify that your business and personal information is correct.

Account usage

How do you intend to use the account: ${accountIntendedUse}

What is your main source of funds: ${accountFundsSourceExplanation}

Business information

Business name: ${_organizationCompanyName}

Registration number:

Business industry: ${organizationActivitySector}

Number of employees: ${nbreEmployes}

Start date for commercial activities: ${organizationInBusinessSince}

Business address

Street number and name: ${organizationStreetName}


City: ${organizationCityName}

Province: ${organizationProvinceCode}

Postal code: ${_organizationPostalCode}

About you

First name: ${clientFirstName}

Last name: ${clientLastName}

Date of birth: ${clientDateOfBirth}

Email: ${clientEmailAddress}

Phone number: ${clientPhoneNumber}


Personal address: ${personalAddress}

Personal address

Street number and name: ${_clientStreetName}


City: ${clientCityName}

Province: ${_clientProvinceCode}

Postal Code: ${clientPostalCode}

    Agreements and consent

On behalf of the business, I am applying to open a business account linked to National Bank's (the "Bank") Digital Banking Solutions. I declare that I have read the Business Account and Banking Service Agreement (the "Agreement") and accept the applicable terms and conditions set out in Parts A, B, C and E. My consent to the Privacy Policy (Part E) will apply from this day forward and for the duration of the business relationship with the Bank. Other relevant and useful documents can be found here and in the "useful links" section on this page.

I authorize National Bank to obtain, for the purpose of opening the bank account, my credit rating from a credit bureau in order to verify my situation. I acknowledge that these requests will not affect my credit rating in any way.

I authorize National Bank to contact me to finalize the opening of my business bank account. I agree that additional information may be requested in order to open the account and that the Bank reserves the right to refuse to open the account despite this request.

The purpuse of hidden panel is to process data before submit.