Verify that your business and personal information is correct.
Account usage
How do you intend to use the account: ${accountIntendedUse}
What is your main source of funds: ${accountFundsSourceExplanation}
Business information
Business name: ${_organizationCompanyName}
Registration number:
Business industry: ${organizationActivitySector}
Number of employees: ${nbreEmployes}
Start date for commercial activities: ${organizationInBusinessSince}
Business address
Street number and name: ${organizationStreetName}
City: ${organizationCityName}
Province: ${organizationProvinceCode}
Postal code: ${_organizationPostalCode}
About you
First name: ${clientFirstName}
Last name: ${clientLastName}
Date of birth: ${clientDateOfBirth}
Email: ${clientEmailAddress}
Phone number: ${clientPhoneNumber}
Personal address: ${personalAddress}