Simplify your life with our easy-to-use financial tools. In just a few moments, you can have an in-depth look at your personal or family finances. Creating a balance sheet will help you make informed decisions for all your current and future projects.

Need help seeing the full financial picture? Our experts are available to help you make the right decisions.

Assets (what you own)

Start off by listing all your assets. This includes the funds in your bank accounts, investments and objects that you own.

Your bank accounts

Enter the total balance held in your National Bank accounts, or with any other financial institution.


Your spouse

Chequing account

Savings account

Other accounts

Non-registered assets

Enter the amounts of your non-registered assets. These investments don’t allow you to save tax-free. You can deposit and withdraw funds at any time.


Investment funds

Cash surrender value of life insurance

Other non-registered assets

Registered plans

Enter the amounts held in your registered plans. These plans allow you to save tax-free for medium and long-term projects.

Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)

Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)

Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)

Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF)

Employer Pension Plan

Other registered plans

Personal property

Tell us the estimated value of your private property: your house, car, furniture, etc.

Primary residence

Secondary residence (chalet)

Income properties




Other property of value (art, jewerly, etc.)

Total assets


Your spouse

Liabilities (what you owe)

Indicate your amounts to be repaid, whether for a loan or for on a credit card.

Balances to be repaid

Enter your credit card and line of credit balances, as well as your overdue accounts.


Your spouse

Credit Cards

Lines of Credit

Accounts payable (past due)


Enter the balance owed on your various loans.

Car loans

Personal loans

Student loans

Other loans


Specify your total mortgage balance.

Primary residence

Secondary residence (chalet)

Income properties

Total liabilities


Your spouse



Your spouse

Total assets

Total liabilities

Net worth (assets minus liabilities)

Want to keep a record of your results? We can send them directly to your email.

Other financial tools

  • If you're in the market for a home and want to know what your maximum amount for a mortgage would be, get an estimate with our calculator.
  • If you want to better forecast your income and expenses, use our budgeting tool.


The information is presented for information purposes only and is not exhaustive. National Bank does not collect this information under any circumstances. The tool is for your personal use only. Consult your National Bank advisor or any qualified professional (accountant, tax specialist, lawyer, notary, etc.) for advice on your finances.