Platinum Business Mastercard credit card

Earn up to 60,000 rewards points when you get the Platinum Business Mastercard*

Apply now

*Offer valid until June 30, 2025. Minimum purchase required. Certain conditions apply. 

Photo de la carte de crédit Platinum Business

Platinum Business Mastercard® at a glance

Picto of a circled dollar sign

Earn 1.5 points per dollar spent,1  with no purchase limit

Picto of a wallet

Manage your monthly spending limit

Picto of a cellphone with a shield

Insurance for departing flight delays, lost luggage, and car rentals2

No minimum annual income is required. Subject to National Bank credit approval. To qualify for our limited-time offer, you must not hold/have held a National Bank business Mastercard  credit card anytime in the past 24 months.  

Annual fees for the main cardholder

$125  $0

Pay no annual fees for the first year, then $125/year afterwards

Annual fees for authorized users

$50  $0

Pay no annual fees for the first year, then $50/year afterwards

Annual fees for the additional cardholder



Interest rate for balance transfers and cash advances 5


Apply now

Secure online form

Jusqu’à 900 $ en rabais voyage ou jusqu’à 800 $ à investir dans un produit financier annuellement*

Boost your business and maximize your rewards

Discover the business credit card that works as hard as you do. Claim our limited-time offer and turn your business expenses into rewards points with the Platinum Business Mastercard! Get your card before June 30, 2025, and you could get up to 60,000 rewards points and have the annual fee for yourself and an additional cardholder reimbursed

*To be eligible for this offer, you must not have been the main cardholder of a National Bank business credit card in the past 24 months.

Enjoy benefits and rewards valued at $1,937 during the first year

Collage of three photos of entrepreneurs working at their offices

Estimated value of the rewards 

30,000 rewards points
when you complete $5,000 in net purchases 3 months following enrollment

in travel discounts

30,000 rewards points
when you complete $20,000 in net purchases in the 12 months following enrollment 

in travel discounts

Savings for the first year on the first additional card


Savings for the first year on the first additional card


151,517 rewards points
when you complete $99,933 in annual expenses

in travel discounts


Total benefits and rewards during the first year



Based on the profile of a typical new Platinum Business Mastercard cardholder who charges the expenses shown in the table above to their account.

Platinum Business Mastercard benefits 

Picto of a Mastercard credit card

Separate your business and personal expenses

  • Manage your business expenses with ease 
  • Card granted regardless of the size of your company and industry, pending a credit approval
  • Lower annual fee than some of our personal cards, and the fee is tax-deductible 
Picto of an airplane

Earn 1.5 points with no purchase limit

  • Get 1.5 points for every $1 spent on eligible purchases6 
  • Earn an additional 1.5 points for every $1 spent on eligible purchases with À la carte TravelTM Agency1
  • Combine your accumulated points with your personal National Bank rewards card 
Picto of a debit card with a small dollar sign

Turn your points into rewards or account credits

  • Get gifts and gift cards from our online boutique
  • Get holiday packages, airline tickets, and travel discounts exclusive to our À la carte Rewards Plan®
  • Exclusive to your Platinum Business card: pay for the expenses you want using the credit from your account


Want to create an account or sign in to À la carte RewardsTM to redeem your points?

Redeem points

Picto of a credit card

Pre-authorized debit

A smiling person wearing an apron.

Digital Business Package

Get $250 cashback when you open a bank account with this package* 

*For accounts opened by June 30, 2025. Addition of certain services and transactions required. Conditions apply.

Photo of the Platinum Business Mastercard

Turn your points into rewards with the Platinum Business Mastercard credit card 

Picto of a clock  Complete your application in minutes.

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