Loan Insurance

Insure your loan to protect your business in case of the death, critical illness or disability of a key member of your organization.

Ensure the success of your business

The death, critical illness or disability of an owner, shareholder, manager or key employee could jeopardize the success of your business. Ensure that your business can continue operating by taking out commercial loan insurance. Don't forget that you can insure your loans at any time.

Protect your investment

Here are some of the benefits of National Bank's loan insurance:

  • Repayment of your loan if an insured event occurs, relieving your business of its debt, improving cash flow and providing financial flexibility
  • Funds that can be used to make up for the loss of a key person and find a replacement
  • Competitive premiums
  • A rebate if more than one person takes out loan insurance
  • A fast and easy selection process
  • Peace of mind for the future


To learn more, see the AMF fact sheet (Québec), the Summaries and the Certificates.

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