Financial Planners

Your financial partners

Find an expert

Guiding you at every stage of life

Are you planning to get married, start a family, travel, pay for your children's education or save for retirement?

Your Financial Planner1 is there to help you with all your life goals. Financial Planners are experts in all seven areas of financial planning. They assess the legal aspects of your situation, offer insurance solutions and help you plan your retirement and your estate. They can also draw up a summary of your finances, assist you with tax planning and recommend investments.

3 good reasons to meet with an expert

  • Get service tailored to your financial needs
  • Receive personalized advice and follow-up to help you meet your goals
  • Benefit from a rigorous, highly professional approach

Find a Financial Planner

Marc-André Morin Fatiha Abbas Étienne Bélanger Hamza Benarhouache Martine Moisan Martin Proulx Mathieu Léonard Ana Nedic Christine Montreuil-Lessard Julien-Carl Landry Franck Koung A Bitcheki Lynda Touaoula Alain Mercier Phu Thang Nguyen Karen Nyboer Dominic Maheux Anna Pawlowska Sonia Roberge Julie Lachance Rozina Akhtar Marc-Antoine Bourassa Bernardo Fumagalli Michel Lefrancois Vincent Gauthier Kareem Elghusein Christine Francis Melanie Caron Elodie Belzile Elisabeth Gamache Mathieu Dupuis Line Beaulieu Christian Gelinas Houssine Belmaati Cherkaoui Elvis Komlan Assiobo Alexandra Beaudry Simon Bergeron Sophie Laurent Massimo Marziliano Étienne St-Arneault Nathalie Aubry François Daigneault Carl Fontaine Guylaine Parent Dominique Couture-Bordeleau Ivanhoe Lachance Sarah Tekkouk Felix Morin Peter Halabi Dawit Amede Claudia Chretien Stephanie El Hage Jannie Barrette Jean-Mikael Pothier-Tessier David Ouellette Steve Castilloux Eric Langlois Guillaume Giard Junie Destin Stéphanie Pregent Sebastien Hamelin Ariane Garneau Estelle Veilleux Nathalie Leblanc Samuel Gervais Jagjeet Sandhu Amelie Bouchard Olivier Lamarre Fady Younès Evghenii Pisarenco Vanty Preap Géraldine Sweeney Sébastien Lafrance Maxime Pelletier Daniel Garcia Munoz Marc-Andre Ricard Marie-Claude Cantin Aminata Ba Emilie Perrault Marcotte Scott D'Amico Jérémi Malo Patric Langlois Marc-André Perrone Vincent Rodrigue Katia Gagnon Nadir Ait Aldjet Stephanie Koury Félix Berthiaume-Soucy Nicolas Pinel Michelina Lavorato Seif Abu-Qube Mariette Beainy Jovan Sukovic Scott Oke Marwen Bezzaouia Mathieu Leblanc Sarah-Ève Poitras David Pilotte Samuel Vanloo Xavier Dupuy Myriam Fortin Stéphane Desjardins Nadine Methot Marc-Olivier Laguerre Mathieu Dupuis William Vaillancourt Eric Clavet Patrick Laroche Alexandre Clément Richard Gingras Hugues Deschenes Stéphanie Beaudoin-Girard Judith Cote Liliana Cinic Agathe Thériault Danaé Paquette Laure Pougin Andréa St-Jacques Mariem Nasra Florentina Vasile Mats Naslund Civil Manon-Dany Dessureault Joanie Thibodeau Jacques Duvivier Yann Robin Oreste Rossi Dany Cloutier Flavie Grégoire Edith Fernandez Karen Chagnon France Pellerin Ahmed Nidhal Ben Ghorbal Monica Lanteigne Maxime Lachapelle Claude Bérubé Valérie Gagné-Patry Patrice Delisle Francois Bousquet Laurence Courchesne Katrine St-Amand Marie-Laurence Dubois Khadidja Kone Jennifer Lumley Steven Nasra Benjamin Briola Marie-Eve Ferland Martin Garneau Bonnie Yin Jin Annie Dargy David Bilodeau Lamia El Arbi Shawn St-Cyr Lucie Lechasseur Martin Grandmaison Martine Tremblay Simon Desharnais David Janvier Nicole Bussière Alina Florescu Matthieu Cote Amal Karzazi Natascha Parrillo Benjamin Marcotte Simon Thibault Magalie Sylvestre Patrick Paradis Mathieu Leclerc Gilles Banville Pierre-Olivier Pelletier Anick Ethier Catherine Lafond Christian Nolet Valérie Gauthier Stéphanie Rabouin Nadia Cho Amanda Kelly Chan Roméo Augustin Alexandre Dupuis Laurent Fournier Catherine Lavallee Dave Savard-Dawson André Boucher Pascale Jolicoeur Najim Wissam Agguini Annie-Claude Raymond Hassane Abdou Moussa Mehdi Madani Steven Remillard Véronique Robertson Clara Paré-Cova Pénélope B. Charland Benoit Lemieux Jérôme Martineau Emilie Roussy Sandra Bellemare David Nabet Adam Ibrahim Sophie Sauve Nathalie S. Martin-Dupray Michael J Houle Tristan Lévesque Jenny Morin Dominic Chagnon Scott Lewis Nathalie Meilleur Vanessa Martin Mathieu Privé Sébastien Dubé Desruisseaux Hani Dib Nicolas Lessard Nicolas Carrier Manon Bergeron Catherine Coté Robert Adams Guillaume Nadeau Mickael Fafard Alexandre Gadoury Anne Lapointe Karyne Duquette Shawn Deeks Zuleyha Uylasi Dominique Tardif Suzanne Gobeil Martin Leroux Catherine Rouse Stephane Ayotte Stéphanie Castonguay Marc-Antoine Turgeon Jonathan Petraroia Valery Descoteaux Jane Karam Anne-Valerie Dufresne Janique Duhaime Alexandre Lassonde Dany Rioux Nathalie Bakda Ngaha Martine Bilodeau Catherine Bolduc Parent Benn Ouedraogo Valerie Carrier Abdelhak Tair Claude Chabot Chouaib Moubal Joanne Paquin Sylvie Durand Vineet Puri David Normandin Fady Labib Kelina Michaud Mélanie Tremblay Sébastien Martineau Anthony Parrilla Gilbert Araj Samuel-Rohan Gagné-Bisram Robert Quach Marie-Hélène Villeneuve Lydiane Sénécal Geneviève Beaulne Olivier Genest Roxanne Boileau Mardig Boghossian Irina Batrincea Christianne Tougas Gabriel Olivier Najwa Lazrak William Fortin Félix Maily Michel Philip Tessier Emile Jean-Gilles Nazifa Naikbeen Amélie Lemelin Jean-Francois Girard Mélanie Richard Etienne Arcand Matthieu Landry Otis Valérie Bolduc-Parent Mikael Santerre Antonio Reale Chantal Mallette George Kawmi Patricio Saraguro Claudia Baril Sebastien Deschamps Ethian Dombawela Marc-Olivier Poulin Mélissa Mercier Bernard Marc Konan Olivier Lapointe Roxanne Nolet Mathieu Audet Dior Tall Joseph Riachi Franck Joulaud Francine Lapointe Jonathan Sauvé Patrick Boucher Mathieu Lafontaine Tiago Gloria Miguel Suresh Tejpal Samuel Sylvain Dannick Fortier Clemence Barrak Jaret Dawe Pierre Castonguay Zuhrah Karim Dad Félix Gélinas Daniel Francken Uma Devi Ramsagur Catherine Asselin Aime Mpambara Mohamed Fofana Isabelle Blanchette Catherine Deslongchamps Alexandra Boutin-Therrien

Preparing for your meeting

Icône étape 1

Financial planning

Learn more about the services offered by Financial Planners so you can make the most of your meeting.

Step 2 icon

Create my balance sheet

Take the time to create your balance sheet to get a better idea of your financial situation.

Little details that matter

Discover our solutions

Savings and investments

Learn how our investment solutions can help you achieve your goals.


Protect your loved ones in case the unexpected happens. Learn about the different types of coverage we offer.

Terms of use
National Bank’s virtual assistant

When using our Virtual Assistant Service (the "Chatbot"), you accept these Terms of Use, which are subject to change without notice. Furthermore, you agree to consult these Terms of Use from time to time and acknowledge that your continuing use of the Chatbot means that you have accepted any changes that may have been made. Your continued use of the Chatbot means that you’ve read, understand and agree to these Terms of Use, the Terms of Use for our website, our Online transaction services, and to our privacy policy. You also understand any other agreements that you have with us will continue to apply when you use the Chatbot.

1. Our Services and your responsibilities

The Chatbot is an automated service which is integrated into our online banking platform.

The Chatbot is preprogrammed to answer general questions concerning the use of our online banking platform solely for informational purposes. The Chatbot is not able to answer questions on personal monetary transactions or products you hold with us.

By using the Chatbot, you understand and agree that:

  • The Chatbot does not provide financial advice or financial planning services.
  • The Chatbot does not conduct any banking transactions.
  • The Chatbot may not be able to answer all your questions. Therefore, it may not be able to provide you with the information you require. You must judge whether the answer provided responds to your question accurately. In the case of uncertainty, a customer service representative would be happy to help you. You can call us toll free at 1-888-483-5628 or 514-394-5555.
  • The Chatbot is not a complaint service. You cannot use the Chatbot to file complaints. If you have any complaints, you can contact us at the number indicated above.
  • We monitor, record and store the discussion that you have with the Chatbot to improve our interactions with our clients.
  • You will not provide the Chatbot with any confidential, personal, or private information. For example, you will not provide the Chatbot with your login information, PIN or other personal banking information.

2. Limitation of Liability

You acknowledge that we won’t be liable for any losses or damages that you may suffer as a result of your use of the Chatbot, including if the Chatbot is unavailable for any reason.

We cannot guarantee that the results obtained via the Chatbot will be accurate and reliable and that the answers provided will meet your expectations.

We will not be held liable for damages you incur as a result of:

  • Any delay, error, interruption or omission on our part or any other event beyond our control.
  • Any deficiency or technical error or any unavailability of our systems and wireless networks.
  • Your failure to meet any of your obligations.
  • Any amendment to or suspension, refusal or blockage of the Chatbot.
  • Any decision or measure you take in response to information and data obtained via the Chatbot.
  • Any other damages you may incur that are not caused by negligence on our part.

3. Language

You have requested that these Terms of Use, and related documents be drawn up in English.

4. Governing Law

These Terms of Use are governed and must be interpreted in accordance with the laws in force in the province or territory where you reside. If you reside outside Canada, the laws in force and the courts of competent jurisdiction are those of the province of Quebec.

Virtual assistant