Jaret Dawe, Financial Planner

Jaret Dawe

Financial Planner


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780, Baseline

Ottawa, Ontario , K2C 3V8

Languages spoken

French, English

Area served

Ontario East: Downtown Ottawa
Ontario North

What can I do for you?

Rely on my expertise in the following areas to help you meet your objectives:

  • Planning for your dream retirement
  • Managing your investments based on your goals
  • Getting your estate in order and drawing up a will
  • Assessing your insurance needs
  • Handling your personal finances
  • Creating a tax strategy
  • Understanding the legal context for financial decisions (marriage, business, etc.)

What will we discuss during the meeting?

For every stage of your life, you need tailored financial solutions to help you reach your goals. Here are the steps I take to find solutions that meet your needs:

  • Take the time to understand your situation and goals
  • Plan and developing your strategy
  • Take action and suggest new solutions as your needs evolve
  • Follow up with regular meetings



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Financial planning services are offered through subsidiaries of National Bank of Canada (NBC). Financial Planners provide their services on behalf of National Bank Investments Inc. (NBI), a wholly owned subsidiary of NBC. NBI is registered as a financial planning firm in Quebec.