The information and opinions expressed in this document are provided
for information purposes only and are subject to change. The opinions
expressed are not intended as investment advice, nor are they provided
to promote any particular investments. They should in no way be used
as the basis for your investment decision. National Bank Investments
Inc. has taken the necessary measures to ensure the quality and
accuracy of the information contained herein as at the date of
publication. It does not, however, guarantee that the information is
accurate or complete, and this communication creates no legal or
contractual obligation for National Bank Investments Inc.
NBI Funds (the "Funds") are offered by National Bank
Investments Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of National Bank of
Canada. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and
expenses all may be associated with investments in a Fund. Please read
the prospectus of the Funds before investing. The Funds’ securities
are not insured by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation or by any
other government deposit insurer. For money market funds, there can be
no assurances that a fund will be able to maintain its net asset value
per security at a constant amount or that the full amount of the
investment in a fund will be returned. The Funds are not guaranteed,
their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.