To be eligible, you must meet the eligibility criteria on your departure date.
- Be aged from 31 days to 84 years on your departure date*
- Be a client of National Bank or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates, or be an immediate family member of a client
- Be a resident of Canada
- Be covered by the health and hospitalization insurance plan of your province of residence throughout your trip
- Sign up for travel insurance before you leave
*The total duration of the trip must not exceed the maximum duration of a trip depending on age:
- for single trip:
31 days to 84 years: 180 days
31 days to 84 years: 180 days
- for annual plan:
31 days to 84 years: 30 days
31 days to 84 years: 30 days
Certain restrictions and exclusions apply, depending on your age and pre-existing conditions.