Mortgage calculators

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How much can you borrow

How much can I borrow?

Calculate how much you can afford to spend on your mortgage.1

Amount of your payments

Calculate my payments

Determine how much you can pay each month, then compare payment frequencies to see how much you could save.

Calculate my payments

Rent or buy

Should you rent or buy?

Are you better off renting—and not having to worry about taxes, home repairs and other expenses? Or would buying a home be a good long-term investment? Find out which option is right for you.

House contract

Apply for a mortgage pre-approval

Guarantee your financing by National Bank without committing to a loan. You’ll get an edge over other buyers and guarantee your interest rate for 90 days.

Get pre-approved

Calculate prepayment charges

Calculate mortgage prepayment charges

If you pay off all or part of your loan earlier than expected, you may have prepayment charges to pay. Get an estimate of the amount.

Calculate my prepayment charges

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Avoid surprises!

A pre-authorization guarantees the amount you can borrow and protects your rate with no obligation to commit to a loan. A pre-qualification, on the other hand, is an estimate for the amount you can borrow to buy a home.


Estimate your prepayment charges

If you repay your loan early, you might incur prepayment charges. Estimate how much you'll have to pay based on your loan type and repayment method.

Calculate your charges


Little details that matter

  1. The calculator is provided for information purposes only. Some restrictions may apply. The loan contract must be approved by National Bank and is subject to the Bank's terms and conditions.

Understanding mortgages

Ready for the next step?

Get an edge with sellers and guarantee your interest rate for 90 days with a mortgage pre-approval—it's free and there's no obligation to buy.

Get pre-approved
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Make an appointment with one of our advisors for all your mortgage questions.

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