Long-Term Financing Solutions

Whether you plan to buy a building, equipment or vehicle, our experts are here to help you with tailor-made financing solutions.1

Apply for financing

Make the investments you need to grow your business.

Term loan

Achieve your projects of equipment, building or vehicle purchases while maintaining your liquidities for current operations.1


  • Allows you to finance a wide array of tangible assets and certain intangible assets
  • Disbursements according to the work in progress for eligible projects
  • Amortization period based on the useful life of the asset financed
  • Flexible repayment terms according to your business reality and projects
  • Available in Canadian or U.S. dollars
  • Competitive pricing, with many options of variable or fixed rates (protection against fluctuations)


  • Allows you to spread payments on many years leaving you with more liquidities
  • Predetermined payment terms and conditions
  • Improvement of capital budget management
  • Maximize your business's balance sheet structure

Pre-authorized credit facility for future capital assets purchases

This revolving term credit allows you to finance future purchases of one or several assets and spread these purchases on one or many term loans up to the pre-authorized amount.1


  • Pre-authorized credit facility according to your needs and capacity to repay
  • Annual review of the available amount and loan conditions
  • Loan repayments based on terms and conditions established for term loans


  • Allows you to know in advance the amount of credit already at your disposal for future assets acquisitions
  • Let your operating line of credit serve for operating needs and not immobilize it by purchasing assets
  • Interest rates charged only when purchases are made


Canada Small Business Financing Program (CSBFP)

CSBFP1 is a federal program that helps new and existing Canadian businesses with annual gross (or forecasted) revenues of $10 million or less gain access to bank financing.

With this program, a business can borrow up to 100% of the cost of acquiring eligible assets.

A business may borrow up to $1,000,000, of which a maximum of $500,000 can be used for leasehold improvements or equipment (new or used). From the last amount of $500,000, a maximum of $150,000 can be used to finance intangible assets and working capital costs.

The government's guarantee for financing real property is 15 years and 10 years for other types of assets.

There are also several other government programs that can help businesses gain access to term financing

Find out more

Directory of Resources


There are a number of government programs to help you gain access to long-term financing.

See our Directory of Resources

Global trade


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Loan insurance


Did you know that you can insure your loans at any time?

Learn more about loan insurance

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