®ECHO is a registered trademark of National Bank of Canada.
®MASTERCARD and WORLD ELITE are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Inc. Authorized user: National Bank.
Simplify your finances
When you’re starting your life together, a joint credit card can make it easier to manage your finances. Here’s what you need to know to make an informed decision.
If you’re applying for a new credit card, answer yes to the question Do you require an additional card? in the online form.
You can request an additional card for an existing account through the form or call us at 1-888-622-2783.
The primary cardholder is the person whose name is on the credit card agreement. They can add up to three authorized users to their account and remove them at any time. The primary cardholder must meet the eligibility criteria for the credit card.
An authorized user has their own card and PIN. However, the purchases they make with the card are charged to the primary cardholder’s account. They could be the primary cardholder’s spouse, child or friend. They don't need to meet the eligibility criteria for the credit card.
The primary cardholder is solely responsible for paying the balance and managing the account. They’re also the only one who can receive cashbacks for the account. In the event of a disagreement or separation, the primary cardholder must try to come to an agreement with the authorized user.
Authorized users don’t receive statements, can’t see transaction details and don’t have access to information about the account, including the credit limit. However, all cardholders can enjoy the advantages of their card. They’re also able to change their own PIN codes and cancel or replace their cards.
If you lost your job, fell ill or died, who would pay your balance? Be prepared with credit card payment insurance.
You’ll go further together! With a joint credit card like the ECHO® Cashback Mastercard® or the World Elite® travel card, the cashback or rewards points you earn on eligible purchases accumulate in a single account. Both the primary cardholder and the authorized user can exchange the points for rewards (excluding banking products).
A joint credit card saves you time, because there’s just one account to manage and one bill to pay. You could also save on fees because it’s often cheaper to have an additional card than to have two separate credit card accounts.
Yes, if you’re the primary cardholder. However, if you’re an authorized user, your card won’t help you build a good credit score, which is very important if you want to rent an apartment or get a mortgage, for example. A joint credit card is basically a convenient way to pay, especially for online purchases and recurring payments, like monthly bills.
If you have a poor credit rating or no credit history, your best option may be to apply for a card in your own name, like our MC1 card, to start building your credit history.
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