Learn about all terms and benefits
Below you will find the documentation related to your credit card to better understand the features of your card, including insurance coverage, fees and applicable terms.
The following credit cards are only available to current cardholders. They are no longer offered to new clients.
Regular Mastercard® credit card
Edition® Cashback Mastercard® credit card
Edition® with rewards program Mastercard® credit card
Escapade® Mastercard® credit card
OVATION® Gold Mastercard® credit card
Allure® Mastercard® credit card
Regular Mastercard Solutions Banking
For details on your insurance coverage, read the Summary | Insurance Certificate.
Platinum Mastercard Solutions Banking
For details on your insurance coverage, read the Purchase protection and extended warranty Summary | Travel insurance Summary | Insurance Certificate.
World Mastercard Solutions Banking
For details on your insurance coverage, read the Purchase protection and extended warranty Summary | Travel insurance Summary | Insurance Certificate.
World Elite Mastercard Solutions Banking
For details on your insurance coverage, read the Purchase protection and extended warranty Summary | Travel insurance Summary | Insurance Certificate.
Consultthe AgreementGoverning the Use of the National Bank Mastercard Credit Card [PDF]
NATIONAL BANK logo are registered trademarks of National Bank of Canada.
®Mastercard, is a registered trademark, and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated. Authorized user: National Bank
1. Subject to credit approval by National Bank.
2. Grace period:
No interest will be charged on purchases made during the month, provided the client pays the balance in full within twenty-one (21) days of the statement date. This grace period does not apply to cash advances or balance transfers. Minimum payment: If your account balance is lower than $10, you must pay the entire balance. If you reside in the province of Quebec, your minimum payment will correspond to 5% of the credit card account balance plus any overdue payment or $10, whichever amount is higher. If you reside outside of Quebec, your minimum payment represents 2.5% of the credit card account balance plus any overdue payment or $10, whichever amount is higher. Account statement: A statement is sent monthly.
Example of credit charges over a 30-day period
Annual interest rate |
Average balance |
$500 |
$3,000 |
22.49% |
$9.24 |
$55.45 |
20.99% |
$8.63 |
$51.76 |
13.45% |
$5.53 |
$33.16 |
9.45% |
$3.88 |
$23.30 |
*Variable interest rate in effect on September 1, 2021
Quick tip
Travelling? Set up a travel notification through the online bank or our mobile app to ensure you can use your credit card wherever you go.
Take full advantage of your Mastercard credit card and all that it has to offer. Extended warranty, purchase protection, Google PayTM, Apple PayTM, exclusive VIP experiences—there is something for everyone!